Python Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries
Python provides powerful built-in data structures for efficient data storage and manipulation. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries with detailed explanations, practical examples, and hands-on exercises.
Lists are ordered, mutable collections of items. They are ideal for storing sequences of data where the order matters, and you may need to modify the data later.
Creating Lists
servers = ['web1', 'web2', 'db1']
Lists are created using square brackets []
. Items are separated by commas.
Accessing Elements
first_server = servers[0] # 'web1'
You can access elements using their index. Python uses zero-based indexing, so the first element is at index 0
Modifying Lists
Lists are mutable, meaning you can change their content after creation.
servers.append('cache1') # Add item to the end
servers.remove('db1') # Remove item by value
web_servers = servers[:2] # Slice to get the first two items
Common operations include adding, removing, and slicing elements.
Common List Methods
: Add an item to the end.remove()
: Remove an item by value.sort()
: Sort the list in place.reverse()
: Reverse the list in place.insert()
: Insert an item at a specific index.
Tuples are ordered, immutable collections. Once created, their content cannot be changed. They are ideal for storing fixed data, such as configuration settings.
Creating Tuples
config = ('localhost', 8080)
Tuples are created using parentheses ()
. Items are separated by commas.
Accessing Elements
host = config[0] # 'localhost'
Like lists, you can access tuple elements using their index.
# config[0] = '' # Error: Tuples are immutable
Once a tuple is created, you cannot modify its elements. This makes tuples safer for storing data that should not change.
Sets are unordered collections of unique elements. They are useful for eliminating duplicates and performing mathematical set operations like union, intersection, and difference.
Creating Sets
unique_users = {'alice', 'bob', 'charlie'}
Sets are created using curly braces {}
. Items are separated by commas.
Adding Elements
You can add elements to a set using the add()
Set Operations
set1 = {1, 2, 3}
set2 = {3, 4, 5}
# Union: Combine elements from both sets
all_users = set1.union(set2) # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
# Intersection: Find common elements
common_users = set1.intersection(set2) # {3}
# Difference: Find elements in set1 but not in set2
diff_users = set1.difference(set2) # {1, 2}
Sets are powerful for comparing and combining collections of data.
Dictionaries store key-value pairs. They are ideal for mapping relationships between data, such as user roles or product prices.
Creating Dictionaries
user_roles = {'alice': 'admin', 'bob': 'user'}
Dictionaries are created using curly braces {}
with key-value pairs separated by commas.
Accessing Values
role = user_roles['alice'] # 'admin'
You can access values using their keys. If the key does not exist, Python raises a KeyError
Adding/Modifying Entries
user_roles['charlie'] = 'moderator'
You can add or modify dictionary entries by assigning a value to a key.
Practice Work
Exercise 1: List Manipulation
Create a list of fruits and perform the following:
- Add “banana”.
- Remove “apple”.
- Print the first two fruits.
fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'grape']
Exercise 2: Tuple Unpacking
Unpack the following tuple into variables:
coordinates = (10.5, 20.3)
x, y = coordinates
Exercise 3: Set Operations
Given two sets, find the union, intersection, and difference:
set1 = {1, 2, 3}
set2 = {3, 4, 5}
union = set1.union(set2)
intersection = set1.intersection(set2)
difference = set1.difference(set2)
Exercise 4: Dictionary Lookup
Add a new user to the dictionary and print their role:
user_roles = {'alice': 'admin', 'bob': 'user'}
user_roles['charlie'] = 'moderator'
Workshop: Real-World Applications
Workshop 1: Inventory Management
Use a dictionary to track product stock levels:
inventory = {'apples': 50, 'bananas': 30, 'oranges': 40}
# Add 10 more apples
# Remove bananas
# Print the updated inventory
Workshop 2: Unique Usernames
Use a set to store unique usernames and prevent duplicates:
usernames = {'alice', 'bob'}
# Add 'charlie' and 'alice'
# Print the set
Best Practices
- Use Lists for Ordered Data: When order matters.
- Use Tuples for Immutable Data: When data should not change.
- Use Sets for Unique Items: When duplicates are not allowed.
- Use Dictionaries for Key-Value Pairs: When mapping relationships.
Mastering Python’s core data structures—lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries—will help you store and manipulate data efficiently. Practice the exercises and workshops to solidify your understanding.
Next Steps: Explore Python List Comprehensions or Python Functions.